Respectful, Responsible and Safe in the Library (Grades 3-5)

This week we begin identifying what our school rules of being "Respectful, Responsible, and Safe" look like in the library. We began by discussing why people sometimes make bad choices. Answers included

They are having a bad day
They are mad or sad about something that happened
They are hungry
They got up on the wrong side of the bed
Someone did something that made them upset

Next we read The Snurtch by Sean Ferrell.

Students loved the final spread and we talked about our "snurtches." Interesting things we decided:

  • A "snurtch" is your "bad side"
  • A "snurtch" is when something overtakes you
  • Sometimes your "snurtch" is in control, sometimes it is not
  • A "snurtch" can make the difference between a good choice and a bad choice
  • "My dad has a really big "snurtch"" (A personal favorite of mine)

Next, groups were formed to think about what being
  • Respectful
  • Responsible
  • Safe
looked like in the library (because our "snurtches" would be in control). Groups shared out and I compiled the answers on a padlet here.

Over the course of the week I synthesized the thoughts down into smaller chunks so we could review and accept these as our Library Expectations.

In the meanwhile, I dismissed students for book checkout and had them draw their "snurtches"


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