Leadership - Creating Leadership Infographics

Students spent the last two weeks preparing their thoughts and ideas about leadership.  They identified the qualities of good leaders and selected book characters that exemplified these qualities. This week they took their writing and created an infographic about the leadership characteristics of their character.

Students used the app Pic Collage to create.  I had students include the following items:
  • ______ has the qualities of a good leader.
  • Quality #1
  • Quality #2
  • Quality #3
  • First name/s
Only some of my students had used Pic Collage before, but it is very intuitive and they were very independent.  In 30 minutes I was able to explain the expectations and have them complete this project.  (It was rather tight in 3rd grade, but 4th and 5th graders had no problem getting this done in the allotted timeframe).  Some of my students' work follows:

To conclude this project we needed to view each other's work and do some critical thinking about it.  Next class would provide this opportunity.  


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