Visiting our Public Library

Every spring I have the privilege to arrange and accompany our 1st grade students on a walking field trip to the Public Library.

This year's trip was especially exciting because it offered students an opportunity to "try out" some of the new and exciting offerings at the library and get them excited about Summer Reading.

Students try out STEM activities:

Students try out no-tech STEM activities:

Students learn about how to "sign up" for Summer Reading and choose a book to take home. 

Students tour the neighboring greenhouse and learn a bit of local history from volunteers that they recognize from our Chess Clubs and crosswalks. 

We are treated to popsicles and plants. 

 My takeaways

This year's visit was especially engaging.  Having so many hands-on activities got students excited about visiting the Public Library.  While most of our students live walking distance from the library, many of them do not go.  I am hoping that such an exciting trip will encourage students to go home and talk it up with their families.  


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