Launching Summer Reading

This year's Summer Reading took on a new, refreshing feel this year.  Reading Specialist Allison Kieffner and I were given the freedom to develop our own Summer Reading program and we abandoned reading levels, book logs, and reading minutes.  Instead, we partnered with the Public Library and gave our students permission to read far and wide.

We planned and launched the program at an assembly at the end of the school year which was hosted by the Student Council.  One third grader shared with us some writing that was important to her and the story behind it.  Next, members of the Public Library staff came to explain what Summer Reading looked like.

 They shared with us how to "sign up" for Summer Reading.

They shared with us the lanyard that students would receive and explained how they could earn pins by reading across genres.

Staff also shared the different types of "items" they could check out of the library.  (I personally have my eyes on the tent that they mentioned).

To wrap up our assembly, Student Council members challenged the teachers to a relay race.  Teachers and Public Library Staff faced off against Student Council members in a "Poetry Pass" inspired by Melanie Roy.

Students worked hard, but the teachers were victorious (and the audience was thoroughly entertained)!

Following the assembly classes met with their "buddy classes" to write and share about their reading:

To wrap up the day students returned to their classrooms where they received a new book to start their summer reading.  Classes moved into the hallways to read for the last 15 minutes of the day.

Students took home a bag that included a Summer Reading packet, encouraging parents to carve out time in their days and ways to include reading.  In the fall students will be expected to repeat the buddy activity with their new "Buddy Classroom" and share their favorite summer reading book.

My takeaways

Working with my colleagues and the Public Library is always an exciting opportunity to grow together.  I was thrilled that we were given the freedom to create a "new" Summer Reading program and utilize our resources in our community to do so.  


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