Reflecting on our Reading Without Walls Challenge

My favorite picture from my last "Reading Without Walls" post was this which spoke volumes to the power of suggestion and possibility:

Display area wiped clean of books 
We (myself and a parent volunteer) suggested books and they (the students) went with it.  Students read books they normally wouldn't read.  Lonely books traveled off the shelves.

I even extended this challenge to the staff and asked teachers to take the challenge.  Staff members chose a challenge and had their picture taken to be hung on the bulletin board.  I wanted to build a community of readers and show our students that we do this too.

What did "Reading Without Walls" do for us?  I asked.

When we read without walls we
  • learn new things and facts
  • think other things
  • find new favorite books
  • might really hate the book
  • get nervous
  • get excited

I will check in with students periodically to see how they are challenging themselves as readers.  In future weeks I will reference our great work and discoveries made these weeks and see if we might be able to expand on our challenge.


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