Display Challenge

We spent two weeks breaking down walls in our reading, but I wasn't feeling done quite yet.  I decided to spend one more class challenging ourselves in one more way.

I have a wonderful volunteer with a background in marketing that loves to create displays in the library.  She does a beautiful job and I question why sometimes her displays are not touched.

This winter I had several questions along the lines of, "Mrs. Garland, can I take one of those books?"  which led me to realize that students aren't aware they can take these.  Of course they can - they are there for just that purpose (but they didn't realize it).  I realized I need to give them permission to go shopping in our display areas or better yet, create an activity that will send them in.

This part of our "Reading Without Walls" challenge was about our display books.  I numbered several thematic displays and students were instructed to visit each section, handle the books there and choose one that they thought they might enjoy reading.

Animal books

Animal books were displayed along an entire wall of the library

Students stopped to read

Some of my favorite biographies

Biographies aren't well read in our library but this display got them moving!

Books about kindness and friendship corresponded with our school-wide celebration of "Kindness Week"

New books

Their mission also included identifying an idea for a future book display.  Students would like to see displays including:

  • Cats, dogs, bunnies
  • Super heroes
  • Sports
  • Minecraft/Pokemon/Yo-Kai Watch (things on TV or videogames)
  • Bulldozers
  • Building
  • Countries
  • Cupcakes 

I call this a success because
  1. Now I have a list of what they would like.
  2. They know the books are there to be touched and checked out.
  3. The shelves looked like this

Student responses:


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