Delicious! Building Community With the Common Language of Story & Food Part 2

Every Night Is Pizza Night

Our 2022 Community Read began with the book Delicious: Poems Celebrating Street Food Around the World. For more information, read more about it here. All students in grades 1-5 read this book. The next books and activities were broken down by grade.  Here I share the book and activities for our 1st-3rd graders:

Every Night Is Pizza Night book cover
Students in grades 1-3 listened to this book

Student work: Every night should be taco night.
Students wrote or drew about the food they would eat every night.

Next, students chose how to share their thinking. They could create their food with legos, model magic, or make their drawing talk with ChatterPix.

Students created food out of Legos on the Lego wall.
Some students created their food on our Lego wall.

Students made food with Model Magic
Others created their food with Model Magic.

Students made food with Model Magic
Model Magic was a crowd favorite!

Student taking a picture of the food they created with  model magic
A student created their food with Model Magic and made it talk with ChatterPix.

My takeaways

Model Magic was hugely popular. I am finding that the hands-on activities are often the most sought-after. The goal of the ChatterPix videos was to have them explain why every night should be their food's night, but most videos got silly and went a bit off-course. I anticipated this happening, so my 2nd & 3rd grade groups had a "practice Chatterpix" session first where they explored using it.

Of course we were finishing at different rates so I created a class where there were food centers for the early finishers. This helped keep the early finishers engaged while inspiring the others to wrap up their projects.

Students try food yoga
Move: Students do yoga

Listen station
Listen: Students could listen to recorded picture books, funny food poetry, or books about food 

Sing: Students listen or sing the story
Sing: Students read/sing the story

Laugh: Students read and share food jokes
Laugh: Students read & share jokes

Draw: Students complete food comics
Students complete Jarrett Lerner's food comics

Student food comic example
Student food comic example


Here I collected the various activities from our Community Read:

Delicious: A link to the Wakelet with all related tweets
Wakelet of activities from our Community Read


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