Building a Library Community: Welcome!

Here we go! Every year I like to set the tone or create a mission to drive my planning and keep me focused.  This year's ... community and learning and being together

The opening weeks of our library year are dedicated to "Building a Library Community." During this time we will 

  • Set the tone of our library as a welcoming environment
  • Develop/review routines 
  • Create expectations

Welcoming environment

Oh, how I love/hate bulletin boards!  I love a meaningful/pretty bulletin board, but I just won't give up precious time to compete with Pinterest.  When there is no volunteer to step up, I fill them with student work.  This year I filled ours with some of the promises we made to each other after reading Lebron James' I Promise.  

Bulletin board: Building a Library Community

Paper strips that say I promise and a bucket to place completed work to hang up
Students wrote promises to themselves and could either take them home as bookmarks, or leave them in the bin to be hung up. (Consent is important - I don't want to hang something that they don't feel comfortable seeing on the wall).

Door of the library displaying welcome sign
The door shows you who your librarian is and that all are welcome here.

note to teachers with chocolate
I sent a reminder to teachers that the library is open first thing in the morning for students to choose books with guidance (if wanted). This makes our library program so much more dynamic than limiting a child's interaction to their "library time."  (Yes, I could have done this with an e-mail, but a note and CHOCOLATE would get their attention better than any e-mail would).

library brochure for families
I usually send a library brochure home to all 1st graders and new families, but this year I chose to send it home to ALL families. We haven't had a "typical" library year in a long time.  

My Takeaways

The last 18 months were hard.  Returning to a school building and routine that feels very much like the one we left 18 months ago is even harder when so many folks just want to close the door on that trauma, put it behind us, pick up where we left off and move on. I can't do that. I want to respect our students and staff and give them what they need.  It looks different this year.  I am focused on going slow, building relationships, welcoming all, and gently walking through this return. I don't know where this year will us, but I do know that more than ever, I am watching and listening to my students so our library can be there for them when and where they need it. 


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