As I was planning for our new student group,
Reader Leaders, the library was gifted $500 by our PTO. I took this opportunity to give the group their first real-world task of spending it. We talked about how best to do that. The group decided to ask their fellow students what they want in our library. They created a google form for them to fill out. Their survey asked what genres students liked to read and asked if they had any recommendations.
Reader Leaders learn to use Google Forms to create their survey. |
They also created a video to accompany the survey, explaining their request, writing the script themselves, and filming it using green screen.
Reader Leaders film their video, explaining their project. |
The group wrote the script and put some humorous touches on the end. |
Once the data was collected, we met again to take a look at it and get a sense of what our students want to read.
Reader Leaders examine the student responses |
First, we looked for common themes. This was hands-down GRAPHIC NOVELS!
Graphic novels were the overwhelming genre of choice (3rd-5th grade responses noted here) |
Reader Leaders compiled a list of suggested books from the survey. *I did note that many of these requests we already have in the library so our next meeting will be to determine how many we DO have and see if the request warrants buying another copy or not.*
Our next meeting will have us taking a deeper dive into the requests and comparing them with what we already have. Then we will be ready to start shaping our shopping list!
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