Lisa Yee Comes to Visit

Our wonderful independent bookstore, The Blue Bunny sends authors to our school periodically.  We recently were treated to a fabulous visit by Lisa Yee.  Lisa Yee knows how to talk to her audience, and she connected with 3rd-5th grade students and teachers alike.  We laughed, learned, and left a little more confident in ourselves after hearing her stories of childhood and how she became an author.

Most importantly (to our students), Lisa Yee brought Peepy along for the ride and Peepy took a selfie with our lucky students (photo courtesy of Lisa Yee):

She shared with us her writing and revisions - on paper and electronically.

She shared secrets to her Super Hero High books and research.  Best of all, she demonstrated with her fabulous sword.

In preparation for her visit I had students go to her wonderful website and investigate a number of ideas:

A book that Lisa Yee wrote that I have read or would like to read is:
A favorite book of Lisa Yee's that I have read or would like to read is:

Something interesting about Lisa Yee is:

Most importantly, students suggested places and people that Peepy should visit: 

Students and teachers alike had a wonderful visit with Lisa Yee!


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