Hour of Code - Where We Code and Rap/Read

Hour of Code took a fabulous turn this year when I observed my students moving to the "beats" they created.  By the end of one 5th grade class I had, you could find students reading and rapping to the beats they created.

This took off and spread like wildfire throughout the 3rd-5th grade.  Our journey follows.

I began this December as I usually do - investigating the new Hour of Code activities.  I highlighted ones that I thought my students would enjoy that are timely:
I always give them options to use several of my favorite apps
We began Hour of Code the week following a fabulous winter concert.  With so much music in our veins, I demonstrated how to use Beats and decided to see where this would take us.  Within 10 minutes 85% of 3rd-5th grade classes were grooving to their own beats.  To one particular 5th grade student I suggested he grab a book and open to a random page and "read" or "rap" what was on the page.  I modeled this, handed him the book, and gave him some space.  What followed was the almighty power of word-of-mouth.  One student tried it and showed his friend.  Said friend tried it and shared with his table.  The next table over heard the commotion and came over to investigate.  Soon, beats and books could be heard throughout the library.  Ahhh - music to my ears!


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