The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind - Creating Our Projects

Following our read of The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, students brainstormed challenges in our community and identified one that they would like to work on (see my post here).  They identified a solution and then were ready to create a project to show their work.

First we brainstormed what kind of projects these might be, thinking about what skills we had that we could employ.  Grades 2-5 used this list:
  • PicCollage
  • Chatterpix
  • Build - Legos 
  • Draw a picture or poster
  • Google Slides
  • Write a letter 
  • Write a voicemail message

A letter to our Principal proposing a Guard for our playground

1st graders were given a drawing assignment to show the "before" and "after" of their proposed solution.  They drew their thinking.  

Challenge: We have bullies at our school.

Challenge: People litter.

Challenge: Some people don't get to come to our country because of the President.
Challenge: Kids get hurt when they are playing.

Challenge: Teenagers wreck our playground.

Next we will assess our work and celebrate our ideas with a community video.


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