Our first Breakout!

I was inspired at EdCampSEMass to try BreakoutEDU . I was under the misconception that this was more for middle and high school students. After hearing how a 4th grade teacher used this in conjunction with her read aloud I was inspired to give this a try in my own school. When a 5th grade teacher approached me for a book recommendation (a mystery), I jumped on the opportunity to present BreakoutEDU. She wanted to introduce the genre and this would be the perfect opportunity for her class to manipulate and decipher clues. My first "breakout" was on my own children. I used a pre-made activity from the BreakoutEDU site and practiced on my own children before I had the teacher breakout. My test subjects - my own children Once she had the experience, she was hooked. It was time to create our first BreakoutEDU experience. We met to determine the content of the experience. We decided to use current 5th grade topics of study Planets...