Welcoming 1st graders to our library

Our 1st graders are new to our school and I like to start at the very beginning with them. We started with what we know. According to our 1st graders libraries... have a million books to choose from. are where you read in your head or quietly. are kind of quiet. are where you have to bring your library books back. are where you get to read books. are where you should be nice to the librarian, other kids, and the books. are where you have fun! We began by talking about the word "borrow" and what that means. Students turned and talked with a neighbor about a time when they borrowed something or someone borrowed something from them. Students reported back stories about favorite toys, games, and articles of clothing. Next, I shared the book Bear's House of Books by Poppy Bishop. In the book, bear shares (albeit begrudgingly) books with the forest animals. My favorite line is at the end, "books are wonderful to read alone, but even better wh...